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In September 2016, I joined Sciences Po to create and lead a new Master Level School - The School of Management and Innovation (SMI @ScPo). Our project was to rethink the training of managerial and entrepreneurial elites from within one of the world's top Social Sciences University, steeped in a rich critical thinking and transdisciplinary intellectual tradition. 


The Mission of the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po is to endow future and current business professionals with the analytical capacities, creativity, entrepreneurial vision and sense of responsibility needed to transform companies and rethink the role of business in society with a view to the common good.


Future managers must be able to understand the complexity of economic, political and social issues associated with the contemporary economic world, and to make decisions in an unstable and profoundly changing environment. They must be sufficiently agile and creative to be able to ride with and harness the digital revolution that is profoundly transforming business and its interface with society. They must be engaged and committed to making the world a better place for themselves and their children.

SMI@ScPo on Campus Channel, nov. 2017
Il faut d'urgence repenser la formation des élites. Challenges, 18/11/2016
Distinction, Le Monde, 18/12/2017
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